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Cultivating Grace

Hi there! I'm Lara from Everyday Graces Homeschool and this is the page for the Cultivating Grace Podcast.

I believe you are the gate-keeper, grace-giver, and cultivator of your home and when you step into your God-given capacity you are capable of providing a delightful and life-giving education to your children. Grab a fresh mug of coffee and listen in for a spell for ideas, encouragement, and to refresh your heart! If you enjoyed Cultivating Grace, you can Buy Lara a Cup of Tea here.

Sep 29, 2020

Join us with special guest Tauna Meyer from Proverbial Homemaker to discuss all things loop scheduling! Find show notes and resources here:

Sep 22, 2020

Can you homeschool joyfully? Misty says absolutely! Join us for this encouraging conversation and finsd show notes and resources here:

Aug 11, 2020

Join us today with Amy from Humility and Doxology to chat all things Shakespeare including how to include him in your studies, recitation and memorization, and keeping it fun! See our show notes and resources here.

Feb 18, 2020

Join us for a wonderfully encouraging guest post by our friend Alisha of The Masterpiece Society. Get the show notes and resources here:

Feb 12, 2020

As our first post of 5 Days of The Green Ember series, we are delighted to be sharing a conversation with author S.D. Smith with you.

For notes, transcript, and references, visit us here: