Oct 8, 2019
What's really the important stuff in homeschooling? Is it the curriculum or how early a child can read or which method we use? Join special guest Andrew Pudewa from IEW as he shares some veteran homeschooling wisdom and encouragement. Find the transcript and resources here: https://www.laramolettiere.com/
Sep 24, 2019
Developing a strong relationship that lasts into adulthood is a goal every parent has. Connie is sharing her heart for parents and the relationships we have with our children today and you don't want to miss these great tips!
Sep 10, 2019
Join us today with special guest Amy Roberts of Raising Arrows to learn 5 tips for homeschooling multiple ages. Find show notes and resources here: https://www.laramolettiere.com/
Aug 27, 2019
Charlotte Mason brush drawing is an artful way to visually narrate. Join special guest Dallas Nachtigall of Bestowing the Brush today to learn about enjoying this lovely art with your family! Show notes here: https://www.laramolettiere.com/
Aug 20, 2019
Charlotte Mason was right to include art study as part of the educational feast! There are so many wonderful benefits and today we are sharing them with you. Find show notes, resources, and more here: https://www.laramolettiere.com/