Hi there! I'm Lara from Everyday Graces Homeschool and this is the page for the Cultivating Grace Podcast.
I believe you are the gate-keeper, grace-giver, and cultivator of your home and when you step into your God-given capacity you are capable of providing a delightful and life-giving education to your children. Grab a fresh mug of coffee and listen in for a spell for ideas, encouragement, and to refresh your heart! If you enjoyed Cultivating Grace, you can Buy Lara a Cup of Tea here.
Developing a strong relationship that lasts into adulthood is a
goal every parent has. Connie is sharing her heart for parents and
the relationships we have with our children today and you don't
want to miss these great tips!
About the Podcast
Cultivating a delightful home and homeschool starts with you, Mama. Seeing grace that abounds all around us in the simple moments — the daily tasks, the learning to love what must be done, the magical moment when a new concept clicks with a child — all these things are just waiting to be acknowledged so they can fill your mama heart and that's what we are here to help you do. Join us over a cup of tea or coffee and be encouraged, dear friend!